Domino Factory : Version 0.2

Hey everyone !

Thank you to every person that played the beta during the launch week, and reported bugs, gave feedback and suggestions ! Thanks to you, we were able to quickly fix a lot of simple issues, and with this week update, we gave the game a much better feel. Without further ado, here is the changelog for this week update :

Bug fixes :

  • Fixed a bug that made the characters' eyes disappear when turning
  • Fixed delivery point throwing dominos out of bound in Corridor
  • Adjusted the transition between menus and levels

Features :

  • Improved domino textures generation
  • Adjusted the detection of interactions with tables and objects on the ground
  • Changed the behavior of painter stations so that they no longer load if the result of the painting does not change anything to the domino
  •  Multiple changes on the assembler to make its use more intuitive
  • Added an outline when an interaction is possible with a crate 
  • Changed levels to hide dominos outside of bounds
  • Added local high score management for each map
  • Added support for WebGL, it is now possible to test the game directly in the browser! 🎉✨
    • WebGL version is not exactly on par with Windows version, and some minor issues can happen.

The update is live now, and you can download the new version under this post, or on the game page directly !

Files 39 MB
55 days ago

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